Tuesday, August 05, 2008

If nothing changes, nothing changes..

you'd say what a stupid sentence, ya its so obvious.. why is it even worth a thought.. but it is..
Attended a talk by the Nick Donofrio the VP for innovation and technology for IBM, retiring after 44 yrs.. wow.. thats an awesome amount of experience and knowledge. A very impressive personality. Known as a people's person as he was introduced, at the end of the talk, whatever doubt's regarding that we had were gone.. He really knows how to connect to people.. and hence is probably at that position :P hehe..

They say you judge a man by his roots and its evident from him. A considerable part of his talk was about his parents and his life, how it began and how it gradually took shape.. Won't go through all that, u'll find all of that on the web. So, while neatly taking us through the life of IBM and his personal life, he ended it with this phrase..
"If nothing changes, nothing changes!!!" Though it seems to be as simple as it sounds, though we know it subcounsciously we rarely do ever have it at the back of our mind. IF we do, it will make a lot of difference.. It's like if u want something to change, u have to change something.. if u just put in the same efforts, u will get the same results.. It's like same ingridients with the same set of all conditions will always give the same results.. change something and change will reflect in the result..
As simple and as useless as it sounds the first time, believe me.. its the thing we run when we need to change something the most.. :) so lazy bums.. change something :P

1 comment:

  1. nice post...
    and IBM rockss.. if thy take me back here... i wont leave for next 44 yrs ;) ..
